
Showing posts from February, 2020

Boost Your Immunity In winter with Makarprash

Prevention is always better than cure. And it is possible only when people follow the rules which have been clearly mentioned in Ayurvedic classical texts or granthas, under the section of Dincharya & Rutucharya . It is very important to change dietary habits according to season. Along with dietary changes, Ayurveda has recommended some medicines which help to build immunity. One of the best Ayurvedic immunity booster  medicine is Sandu Makarprash. Makarprash is prepared from herbs like Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Kamal, Vidarikanda, etc. It also contains Makardhwaj, Mahalakshmivilas ras & pure cow ghee. In December means in Hemant rutu, there is the very coldest timing of winter. At this time Agni [ digestive power] & Bal [strength]  both are very high in the body. The body can digest heavy to digest food items. So this is the season correct time when we should take tonics to improve immunity. Makarprash contains Mahalakshmivilas which helps to treat cold & co