
Showing posts with the label digiforte

Digiforte : Best Ayurvedic Tonic To Improve Digestion

  A person is said to be healthy, when there is balance in his doshas (Vata, pitta and kapha), agni, dhatus, malas and harmony in mental factors like indriyas, manas, atma. This clearly signifies the role of agni in maintenance of good vibrant normal health. Agni is key for digestion and it is responsible for good health of an individual. But eating very spicy foods, oily food, eating previous leftover food, over eating, eating too fast or slow, emotional disturbance, fear, stress lead to indigestion i.e. agnimandya, or impairment of digestive powers.  Ayurveda clearly states that agnimandya is the first responsible factor for each and every disease. Indigestion is associated with loss of appetite, heaviness of stomach, lethargy, abdominal bloating, bad odour of mouth etc. Mostly older people suffer from indigestion. Apart from this, indigestion is one of the common symptom seen in many diseases like piles, fissure & in liver problems. Maintaining good digestion is very important t