
Showing posts with the label immunity booster

Amazing Health Benefits of Amalaki (Amla)

Amalaki, also known as Indian gooseberry, is one of the most important herb described in Ayurveda. In Ayurvedic texts Amala is mentioned as  Vayasthapana , which means 'stopping the ageing' and therefore it is main ingredient of many rejuvenating tonics  l ike Chyavanaprash and Makarprash.  Amala has great importance because of it's power of balancing all three doshas. It is a superior Rasayana (rejuvenating) and Vrushya (aphrodisiac) herb mentioned in Ayurveda. Amala is beneficial for anti-ageing and longevity. It is the richest source of vitamin C, 10g of fresh fruit contains 600-900mg of vitamin C. Hence it improves immunity and fights against many diseases. It also contains few natural polyphenols that help in digestion, metabolism and normal liver functioning. It is beneficial for healthy skin and hair. Therefore Amala is very important ingredient of many cosmetic products. Amala is useful in many digestive problems like hyperacidity, constipation, nausea, poor appeti

Makarprash, The Immunity Powerhouse

Our immunity and good nutritive diet has direct connection. Not only in modern science has now endorsed it, but Ayurveda, the ancient medicinal science also explains the importance of food. According to Ayurveda food is responsible for confering good health but is responsible for generation of diseases, when not consumed in proper way. Low immunity due to any reason leads to various infectious diseases. For that along with good food Ayurveda recommends Rasayan chiktsa ( Ayurved Tonics) for good immunity.    Sandu Makarprash is one of the most popularly recomended tonic by many vaidyas as a tonic. Makarprash is prepared from  immunity booster herbs  like Amalaki, Guduchi, Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Kamal, Vidarikanda, etc. It also contains Makardhwaj [ processed with gold], Lakshmivilas Ras [with Gold] & pure cow ghee. All theses herbs are useful for maintenance of well being & in fact rejuvenating the person. Recurrent cold, cough, fever, throat infections and other similar sympto

Sandu Amritarishta, Improve Your Immunity With Ayurveda

We all knows an importance of good nutrition for good health and for good health one must have good   immunity . If you want   to boost your immune system   in a natural way, then Ayurveda is the right path for you. During the time of illness, people often seek special foods or vitamin supplements that are believed to boost immunity. Ayurveda also recommends   immunity boosting medicines in ayurvedic   classics.  Sandu Amrutarishta is a   trusted classical ayurvedic medicine   to boost immunity   during any kind of infection. When a person falls sick, he or she may not be able to take their food properly resulting in low immunity. Sandu Amritarishta possesses immunomodulatory, antipyretic and anti oxidant properties, thus   it improves immunity and is beneficial in relapsing fever like illness. Sand Amrutarishta is an Ayurvedic medicine in liquid form that contains Guduchi, also known as Amrita as a main ingredient along with Dashmool, Katuka, Shunthi, Ativisha, Pippali, Musta, etc. Sa

How To Boost Immunity In Infants & Toddlers With Ayurveda

Healthy nation is created only by healthy children. The early years of a child's life are essential for physical & mental development of child. Therefore, it is important for parents to take every necessary step to ensure the child's growth.  Breastfeeding is one of the best bond between mother & her baby. Mother's milk is the complete food for each infant. They get all required nutrients & good immunity from mother's milk. But still a tradition is going on from many years to give balguti or balkadu  to prevent minor illnesses that affect babies. The herbs of this balguti   have to be dried completely after it's use. But in today's era it is quite difficult for mothers to follow this tradition as it is time consuming & requires much efforts. Therefore to achieve all health benefits & to prevent babies from minor illnesses Sandu Pharmaceuticals has come up with best product Shishuvin. Shishuvin consists of herbs like Ashwagandha, Nimba, Rakt

Makrprash, Best Ayurvedic Immunity Booster

Sandhikal is the junction between two consecutive seasons and is very important period of Ritucharya [ season wise do and don'ts]. Because it is the time of season transition. In sandhikal dietary habits of previous season has to be gradually replaced according to new in coming season.   When September month arrives, we all experience the climate changes & it's consequences on health more promptly. Because September month is the end of monsoon & this cold, rainy season is immediately followed by intense heat, popularly know as October heat. This drastic environmental change give rise to number of diseases in people with normal immunity, but more markedly in individuals with low immunity. The body is weakest and more vulnerable to the disease at this time. Recurrent episodes of cold, cough, fever, rhinitis, headache, indigestion, diarrhoea etc are few of them. Lucky people are born with strong-robust immunity, while others are not. So people need to take immunity boostin

Sandu Kumari Asav No 3 : Best Immunity Booster For Children

 Children are the future of our nation and for better future, the children should grow up healthy and happy. It is observed that the kids who don't get sick again and again, become very healthy in their adulthood. For this children should have very strong immunity. Kids develop immunity as they grow, so kids are most affected by any kind of infection because of their low immunity. Fever, cold, cough, poor appetite, anorexia, indigestion are few commonly seen symptoms in children. Some kids don't get proper nutritious food and so fall sick due poor immunity. But in some children, though they get nutritious food, they fall sick due to poor digestion and improper absorption of nutrients. So for this, along with good nutrition children need to take a tonic that improves their immunity & digestive power. Sandu Kumari Asav no 3 is specially designed tonic for kids to improve general health. Sandu Kumari Asav no 3 contains Shunthi, Nagkeshar, Pippali, Draksha, Haridra, Kutaki, Mar

Sandu Samshamani Vati, Boost Your Immunity

Now a days in this pandemic situation most important thing to do is to increase our immunity .  When one has good immunity he or she can fight against any disease. Daily we listen, read news about COVID19 how fast it is spreading throughout the globe.  Since ancient time Ayurveda has always maintained to keep inner power strong to fight external forces. Ayurveda has best herbs, which help in boosting immunity .  Tinospora cordifolia is one of best medicine in ayurveda. It is called as GUDUCHI in Sanskrut, Giloy in Hindi, which means medicine which protects body from various diseases. It is also known as AMRUTA in sanskrut as it has properties similar to Amrut. Guduchi possesses immune stimulating properties. It is bitter in taste,  pacifies all three dosha,  reduces fever and acts as rasayan i.e. tonic. Using best quality of Guduchi [ Giloy] Sandu has prepared Sandu Samshamani Vati. Sandu Samshamani Vati has only one ingredient which is Guduchi. Sandu Samshamani Vati helps to strength

Guduchi, The Amrut With Powerful Immunomodulatory Benefits

Guduchi, in sanskrit it means the ‘one protects the entire body. It is widely used herb in the Ayurveda system of medicine for thousands of years. It is also popularly known as Amruta, Jwarari and Jwaranashini. These synonyms indicate it’s most important benefit in the treatment of jwar i.e. Fever. Guduchi acts as Tridosha shamak, it means it balances all the three doshas in the body. It is also mentioned in ancient texts, that Guduchi is the best Rasayan [ tonic], Jwarnashak i.e. one which cures various fevers, Aam pachak, Agnidipaka. Guduchi has anti pyretic property so it helps to lower down increased body temperature in fever. According to Ayurveda jwar (fever) is the result of Àma i.e. undigested food. Guduchi digests this Ama and hence is most useful in the treatment of fever. It is beneficial for all types of viral fever, which are mostly associated with cold, indigestion, anorexia & bodyache.Guduchi also acts as immuno-mdulator, so it not only prevents the recurrent episode

How To Stay Healthy while being Quarantined at home.

Corona has forced india for lockdown. Everyone is at home.Doing nothing like every working day office chores.This leads to weight increase.Human body consumes same amount of calories.So those are in home please consume 25% less food to keep in good health. Ayurved has stated concept of aam, the undigested part. This aam is responsible for many problems. To fight the corona and lockdown side effects on your body a langhan is a must.Langhan i.e. small version of fast is very beneficial. It improves your digestive fire, that power which ultimately contributes to immunity. Along with langhan sandu amritarishta is very beneficial. Sandu Amritarishta builds up your immunity, that gives you power to fight infections.

Boost Your Immunity In winter with Makarprash

Prevention is always better than cure. And it is possible only when people follow the rules which have been clearly mentioned in Ayurvedic classical texts or granthas, under the section of Dincharya & Rutucharya . It is very important to change dietary habits according to season. Along with dietary changes, Ayurveda has recommended some medicines which help to build immunity. One of the best Ayurvedic immunity booster  medicine is Sandu Makarprash. Makarprash is prepared from herbs like Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Kamal, Vidarikanda, etc. It also contains Makardhwaj, Mahalakshmivilas ras & pure cow ghee. In December means in Hemant rutu, there is the very coldest timing of winter. At this time Agni [ digestive power] & Bal [strength]  both are very high in the body. The body can digest heavy to digest food items. So this is the season correct time when we should take tonics to improve immunity. Makarprash contains Mahalakshmivilas which helps to treat cold & co