
Showing posts with the label summer season

Sandu Dadimavaleha : The Ayurveda Way To Stay Healthy This Summer

Currently we all are experiencing a rise in temperature which is attributed to the beginning of the summer season. According to Ayurveda, ‘Ghrishma Ritu’ or SummerSeason, is the last season of the Adan Kala (period of Uttarayana). The increased Agni (Digestive fire), Kshudha (Appetite) & Bala (Energy) experienced during Hemant & Shishir Ritu (Pre-winter and winter) are going  to become weak with the commencement of Ghrishma Ritu. As the Ritu changes, our body also transitions to adjust with the surrounding environment.  In Grishma Ritu there is an excess of Tridoshas Vata along with a reduction in Kapha. There is a tremendous rise in body heat as Pitta dosha is also rising. This season leads to dehydration, exhaustion, lethargy, dryness in our body and low energy levels. When the weather is hot, our body demands more liquids to maintain homeostasis and keep our body hydrated. But drinking more liquids affects our digestive fire making us experience a los