
Showing posts with the label ayurveda food combining

Incompatible Foods According To Ayurveda -Viruddha Ahara.

Viruddha Ahara is a unique concept described only in Ayurveda. The food/ ingredient's  which are wrong in combination, faulty preparation method of food, consuming in wrong season, incorrect dose of food, consumed at wrong time of day can lead to Viruddha Ahara or incompatible food. Ayurveda clearly defines that certain diet and its combinations, which interrupts the whole body mechanism resulting in various diseases. For example milk and fish, equal quantity of cow ghee and honey, curd in the night, fruits and milk together like milk shakes or custard, hot and cold things together etc. In today's era our daily routine, food habits have undergone extreme change. Due to these drastic changes in life style and food habits, our body generates various toxins. Various junk foods like carbonated cold drinks, pizza, white bread, industrial vegetable oils, margarine, pastries, cakes, fried foods, combo packs in theaters, etc. are also results of the modern lifestyle which are responsib