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Seasonal Ayurvedic Regime For Hemant Rutu

Hemant Rutu is considered as the Healthy season among all six rutus. This season starts from mid November and lasts up to mid January for Indian subcontinent. In this season climate is very pleasant with fog and cooling, festivals etc.   Ayurveda prescribes specific foods, exercise, and lifestyle changes suitable to the season in most scientific way. What to consume or avoid etc in specific ritu is called as Ritucharya In Hemant ritu, the duration of night is longer compared to other Ritus. In Hemant ritu sharir bal (body strength) and Agni (digestive fire) is very high, at its best and that's why we eat heavy to digest food in this season and digest too. According to Ayurveda what we should eat is ·  Snigdha, Amla and Lavana Ahara.  ·  Anoopa Mamsa, Mamsa Rasa prepared by adding Ghrita. Sura [liqour] prepared with rice flour and jaggery. ·  Food prepared with Godhuma (Wheat), Masha (black gram), Ikshu Rasa (Sugarcane juice). ·  Ksheera and Ksheera Dravyas (Milk and Milk products).