
Showing posts with the label vasa

Tab Ephenin, For Congestion Free Breathing

Increasing air pollution, hybrid food, junk food, improper sleeping pattern are basic reasons for low immunity. Air Pollution is one of the major causes for weak lungs and breathing difficulty. Though we are trying to reduce pollution,it's not going to improve because of expanding civilization, jungle cutting and increasing  factories, which are generating unhealthy chemicals and gases. Due to such conditions we are developing many infections and allergies. Respiratory system problems such as common cold, cough, rhinitis, sinusitis, breathing difficulty are very common these days. For all these problems there is only one solution Tablet Ephenin.  Main ingredient of Tablet Ephenin is Ephedra vulgaris i.e. Somavalli. Along with Somavalli it also contains Vasa (Adhathoda vasica), Kantakari (Solanum xanthocarpum), Karkatshringi (Pistacia integerrima) and Shwashkuthara Rasa. In Ayurveda herb Somavalli (Ephedra vulgaris) is indicated in asthma and chronic respiratory disorders, excessive

A Perfect Cure For Various Types Of Cough : Vasa Cough Syrup

Primarily there are two types of cough dry and wet cough. In dry cough throat irritation is there and required treatment is soothing of mucosa with cough center suppressant. In wet cough there is obstruction in air passage due to mucus. So treatment needed is to remove mucus as well as to reduce production of mucus in air passage.  Many cough syrups are available in market but it is best to use ayurvedic cough syrup as it gives great results in all type of cough without no adverse effects. Adulsa is well known herb for cough. It is also known as VASA in sankrut. But is it enough to give only Adulsa in cough? Sandu pharmaceuticals  has formulated unique combination of adulsa with other eight Ayurvedic herbs which are specifically beneficial in lung health, VASA cough syrup. VASA cough syrup contains adulsa, pippali, tulsi, Yashtimadhu, sonth, dalchini, behada etc. Vasa i.e. Adhatoda vasica is expectorant, bronchodilator. Pippali (Piper longum) is tonic for lungs. It reduces cough and

VASA, the trusted Ayurvedic cough syrup for all

'VASA' is sanskrut name of Adhatoda vasica. From many years we are well aware of Adulsa (Vada) plant. We all know its use in cough, since our grandma, mother prepared decoction when we were kids. Sandu has formulated unique combination of Vasa and Tulasi and other seven Ayurvedic herbs, which are specifically beneficial in lung health named as VASA cough syrup.  VASA cough syrup contains adulsa, pippali, tulsi, Yashtimadhu, sounth, dalchini, behada etc. Vasa i.e. Adhatoda vasica is expectorant,bronchodilator. Pippali (Piper longum) is tonic for lungs. It reduces cough and improbes lung health. Yashtimadhu is also known as mulethi, Yashtimadhu soothes mucosa of throat thus reducing throat irritation and cough.  Tulsi ( Holy basil ) along with dalchini amd sounth (dried ginger) reduces cough and mucus in wind pipe.    VASA cough syrup is best combination for all type of cough. It can be used in children as well as geriatric patients. It is safe in

Best Ayurveda Medicine Beneficial in Respiratory Problems : Vasajeevani

With the freshness of new leaves and atmosphere we all know that Vasant Ritu has begun. Vasant ritu is predominantly Kapha Prakopak kala i.e we face Kapha related disorders like cough, cold also asthma attacks etc. seen in this season. With the beginning of Visarga Kala our body immune system, digestive fire i.e. Pachakagni start reducing as result we become more prone to diseases. Cough is a normal physiological response to an irritation of the laryngo-tracheobronchial system when there is any allergy or infection.Sandu pharmaceutical have history of best Ayurvedic formulation one that is Vasajeevani ( Sandu Vasavaleha). Vasajeevani (Sandu Vasavaleha) is fortified with 1. Vasa (Adhatoda vasica) contains alkaloid which acts as a bronchodilator and respiratory stimulator. 2. Pippali (Piper longum) or long pepper fruit contains alkaloid Piperine which is antiseptic and expectorant. 3. It contains herbs like Yashtimadhu, Behada, Kutaki, Marich, Ela and Pippalimula. As these all herbs are