
Showing posts from November, 2020

Incompatible Foods According To Ayurveda -Viruddha Ahara.

Viruddha Ahara is a unique concept described only in Ayurveda. The food/ ingredient's  which are wrong in combination, faulty preparation method of food, consuming in wrong season, incorrect dose of food, consumed at wrong time of day can lead to Viruddha Ahara or incompatible food. Ayurveda clearly defines that certain diet and its combinations, which interrupts the whole body mechanism resulting in various diseases. For example milk and fish, equal quantity of cow ghee and honey, curd in the night, fruits and milk together like milk shakes or custard, hot and cold things together etc. In today's era our daily routine, food habits have undergone extreme change. Due to these drastic changes in life style and food habits, our body generates various toxins. Various junk foods like carbonated cold drinks, pizza, white bread, industrial vegetable oils, margarine, pastries, cakes, fried foods, combo packs in theaters, etc. are also results of the modern lifestyle which are responsib

How One Can Increase the Hemoglobin Level in the Body?

Anaemia is a disease condition due to relative deficiency of Haemoglobin or Red Blood Cells or both. It is the haemoglobin concentration decrease and a resultant impaired capacity to transport oxygen. Nutritional iron deficiency is the commonest cause of anaemia in worldwide. Despite the availability of the large number of iron salts and preparations for correction of anaemia and iron deficiency, the need of a better preparation has always been felt.  Sandu pharmaceuticals has formulated a perfect answer for the management of anaemia in the form of ' Haemol Forte '. Haemol forte is indicated for iron deficiency anaemia, worm infested anaemia, anaemia during pregnancy.  The primary content of Haemol forte is Punarnava mandur, a potent appetizer, digestive and an immunomodulator . The ingredient like Amla is a rich source of vitamin C, as well as water soluble antioxidant, which enhances the increase in iron absorption from the gut.  The other therapeutic ingredients like mandur,

How To Take Care of Your Skin in Winter

  Ayurveda, the oldest science of life, has always emphasized to maintain the health and prevent the diseases by following proper diet and lifestyle regimen, rather than treatment and looking for cure of the diseases. In order to have a healthy and balanced life, it's important to stay in perfect harmony with nature. We experience various seasonal changes around us and also experience its effects on our body. Our body is greatly influenced by external environment.   In winter season, due to cold environment Vata dosha get aggravated. Lack of moisture in climate leads to dry and lusterless skin specially in winter. Along with this irregular sleep, mental stress & environmental pollution are main causes which leads to many skin problems like, acne, pimples, eczema, psoriasis & other skin ailments. Application of facial products like cream, packs, gels, etc is not the ideal solution for such problems. It requires the treatment which cleanses or purifies the blood and body alon

Seasonal Ayurvedic Regime For Hemant Rutu

Hemant Rutu is considered as the Healthy season among all six rutus. This season starts from mid November and lasts up to mid January for Indian subcontinent. In this season climate is very pleasant with fog and cooling, festivals etc.   Ayurveda prescribes specific foods, exercise, and lifestyle changes suitable to the season in most scientific way. What to consume or avoid etc in specific ritu is called as Ritucharya In Hemant ritu, the duration of night is longer compared to other Ritus. In Hemant ritu sharir bal (body strength) and Agni (digestive fire) is very high, at its best and that's why we eat heavy to digest food in this season and digest too. According to Ayurveda what we should eat is ·  Snigdha, Amla and Lavana Ahara.  ·  Anoopa Mamsa, Mamsa Rasa prepared by adding Ghrita. Sura [liqour] prepared with rice flour and jaggery. ·  Food prepared with Godhuma (Wheat), Masha (black gram), Ikshu Rasa (Sugarcane juice). ·  Ksheera and Ksheera Dravyas (Milk and Milk products).

Amazing Health Benefits of Amalaki (Amla)

Amalaki, also known as Indian gooseberry, is one of the most important herb described in Ayurveda. In Ayurvedic texts Amala is mentioned as  Vayasthapana , which means 'stopping the ageing' and therefore it is main ingredient of many rejuvenating tonics  l ike Chyavanaprash and Makarprash.  Amala has great importance because of it's power of balancing all three doshas. It is a superior Rasayana (rejuvenating) and Vrushya (aphrodisiac) herb mentioned in Ayurveda. Amala is beneficial for anti-ageing and longevity. It is the richest source of vitamin C, 10g of fresh fruit contains 600-900mg of vitamin C. Hence it improves immunity and fights against many diseases. It also contains few natural polyphenols that help in digestion, metabolism and normal liver functioning. It is beneficial for healthy skin and hair. Therefore Amala is very important ingredient of many cosmetic products. Amala is useful in many digestive problems like hyperacidity, constipation, nausea, poor appeti