Best Ayurveda Medicine Beneficial in Respiratory Problems : Vasajeevani

With the freshness of new leaves and atmosphere we all know that Vasant Ritu has begun. Vasant ritu is predominantly Kapha Prakopak kala i.e we face Kapha related disorders like cough, cold also asthma attacks etc. seen in this season. With the beginning of Visarga Kala our body immune system, digestive fire i.e. Pachakagni start reducing as result we become more prone to diseases.

Cough is a normal physiological response to an irritation of the laryngo-tracheobronchial system when there is any allergy or infection.Sandu pharmaceutical have history of best Ayurvedic formulation one that is Vasajeevani ( Sandu Vasavaleha).

1. Vasa (Adhatoda vasica) contains alkaloid which acts as a bronchodilator and respiratory stimulator.
2. Pippali (Piper longum) or long pepper fruit contains alkaloid Piperine which is antiseptic and expectorant.
3. It contains herbs like Yashtimadhu, Behada, Kutaki, Marich, Ela and Pippalimula.
As these all herbs are deepek-pachak in nature they also reduce excess production of Kapha.Vasajeevani (Sandu Vasavaleha) reduces inflammation and irritation of airways. Vasajeevan (Sandu Vasavaleha) is useful in any type of cough, bronchitis, chronic cough & respiratory illness. Breathe easy with Vasajeevani (Sandu Vasajeevani).


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