Berbenterone, The Cure Of Diarrhoea And Dysentery

Rainy season is the most beautiful season, which starts in the first week of June in India. It comes after summer and gives happiness relief from heat and dryness in the climate. Nature dresses up with all colorful flowers, green leaves everywhere. But with all this happiness certain diseases also comes with rainy season. Rainy season is the most favourable season for certain viruses and bacteria. Also in rainy season many times water is also contaminated, which leads certain diseases like, loose motions, dysentery, vomiting, typhoid, etc.

 In Ayurveda texts it is clearly mentioned that in Varsha rutu, Jatharagni (digestive fire) is very poor, which results into indigestion. Undigested food matter (amadosha) gets accumulated in body & generates in various diseases. Longstanding indigestion due to agnimandya (poor digestive fire) may cause diarrhoea, dysentery, pain in abdomen, flatulence, bloating, mucus in stool (in amebic dysentery) or blood in stool. If not treated in time, then it may lead to serious condition like dehydration. Most of the modern anti diarrhea medicines have side effects like constipation, bitter taste in mouth, nausea, headache, etc. Ayurveda advocates not only to treat diarrhea but also to improve digestive fire.

For this Sandu pharmaceuticals has excellent medicine, Berbenterone compound tablets and for kids Berbenterone suspension. Herbs present in Berbenterone reduces frequencies of watery stool but also improves agni.

Being combination of anti-diarrhoeal and anti bacterial herbs like Daruharidra, Kutaj, Berbenterone Compound is most effective remedy for acute diarrhoea and dysentery. Berbenterone Compound effectively reduces frequency of loose motions, improves consistency of stools, relieves abdominal colic and prevents dehydration. It is a well tolerated and safe medicine without any untoward effects.

Sandu Berbenterone Pediatric Suspension is ayurvedic polyherbal formulation for acute diarrhoea in infants and children. It is an unique formulation with anti-diarrhoeal and antimicrobial herbs like Kutaj, Daruharidra. Berbenterone Pediatric Suspension reduces frequency of loose motions, improves consistency of stools, relieves griping pain in children and prevents dehydration. Berb-enterone compound and pediatric Suspension does not have any side effects like nausea, vomiting or altered taste like conventional medicines. Unlike antibiotics it doesn not disturbs normal intestinal flora. 


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