Ayurveda For Your Respiratory Problems

Ayurveda is a unique science for healthy life style. It is science in which not only disease is treated but also care is  taken so that it should not make illness again. If at all disease recurrs  again, its intensity will be low. 

It was long ago, when we all used to breathe pure air but now it is not the case due to uncontrolled pollution thanks to factories, vehicles. Life is stressful and fast moving. We as human have forgotten our roots like proper eating habits, wake up and sleep pattern etc. 

Man has progressed technologically but at the cost of purity, natural living. In such scenario we are bound to fall prey to many infections, allergies. Cold, cough, rhinitis, sinusitis, breathing difficulty and asthma are common respiratory disorders.

As Ayurveda has solution to almost everything, Sandu Pharmaceuticals has unique product of Tablet Ephenin for difficulty in breathing, congestion in chest.  Main ingredient is Ephedra gerardiana i.e. Somavalli. It also contains Vasa (Adhathoda vasica), Kantakari (Solanum xanthocarpum), Karkatshringi (Pistacia integerrima) and Shwashkuthara Rasa.

1. Somavalli (Ephedra gerardiana), traditionally in Ayurveda it is indicated in asthma and chronic respiratory disorders, excessive thirst, Emaciation, dehydration. It has natural Ephedrine. Ephedrine is a decongestant and bronchodilator. It works by reducing swelling and widening the lung airways, allowing you to breathe more easily.

2. Vasa (Adhathoda vasica) contains naturaal alkaloid Vasicine, which is bronchodilator, respiratory stimulant.

3. Kantakari (Solanum xanthocarpum) Classically Kantakari is used to treat cold, cough and respiratory tract infections. It has anti-asthmatic, anti-inflammatory, anti-tussive, antispasmodic properties.  

4. Karkatshringi (Pistacia integerrima) Ayurveda it is used in case of cough, asthma, bronchitis, catarrhal fever etc. It is demulcent means relieving inflammation or irritation. Expectorant so removes the secretions of sputum by air passage. It is anti-asthmatic, anti-inflammatory also.

5. Shwaskuthar rasa is classical formulation from Ayurveda texts for Shwasa (Asthma) vyadhi.  It has anti-asthmatic, anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties.


Tablet Ephinin not only eases breathing, but also it prolongs the healthy period between consecutive attacks. Tablet Ephinin relieves congestion by liquefying thick & tenacious sputum. It is indicated in Asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Acute & Chronic bronchitis etc. Sandu pharmaceutical’s Tablet Ephinin ensures free and normal breathing.


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