Whoopin : Unique Cough Formula For All Types Of Cough

There are many types of coughs. Cough is a symptom in many diseases and is diagnosed by its characteristics, duration and severity and is found in common cold, pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, etc. These conditions can get worse without proper treatment. 

Sandu pharmaceuticals has a unique formula 'Whoopin cough syrup', which is very effective in all types of cough.  

Whoopin cough syrup is a multi-factorial and unique formula for various types of cough. It contains Draksha, Anjeer, Yashtimadhu, Vasa and other three herbs. 

1. Draksha has anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and astringent properties. It is very beneficial in respiratory problems. 


2. Anjeer has laxative and expectorant properties. Draksha & Anjeer both give strength to Respiratory and Digestive systems and thus boost immunity. Plus both help to reduce the symptoms of asthma. 


3. Vasa contains an alkaloid vasicine which acts as bronchodilator and expectorant. 

4. Karkatshrungi acts as demulscent and helps to relieve inflammation, acts as expectorant and anti-asthmatic.

All these herbs in Whoopin cough syrup help to relieve thick and tenacious sputum from lungs and eases breathing.


 Whoopin cough syrup is beneficial for all distressing cough, allergic cough, wet or dry cough, proximal cough (violent, uncontrollable cough), bronchitis, asthma, etc. 

Dose for infants is 1ml, for kids 2.5-5ml and for adults 10ml three times a day.


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