
Showing posts from July, 2020

Sandu Mahasudarshan Kadha : Best Ayurvedic Medicine Against Fever

Fever is described as jwar in ayurveda. It is mentioned as the king of all diseases. According to Ayurveda fever occurs due to undigested food matter ( Ama ). Fever is not only a very common symptom of many diseases but also fever itself is a major disease. Fever is an important symptom of malaria, typhoid, dengue, chikun-gunya, swine flu, measles, mumps, covid 19, and many other viral and bacterial diseases.  In ayurveda poor digestive fire ( Agni  ) is responsible for formation of  ama  i. e. undigested matter. This  ama  further lead to jwar i. e. fever. Sometimes with fever one has cold, cough, anorexia, poor appetite, indigestion, headache like associated symptoms. Ayurveda, a holistic science advocates the treatment that lowers temperature to normal and most important, the improving digestive fire ( Agni  ). Sandu Mahasudarshan kadha is a   trusted ayurvedic medicine indicated for various types of fever . Sandu Mahasudarshan kadha digests  ama , induces sweating and brings down t

Tab Ephenin, For Congestion Free Breathing

Increasing air pollution, hybrid food, junk food, improper sleeping pattern are basic reasons for low immunity. Air Pollution is one of the major causes for weak lungs and breathing difficulty. Though we are trying to reduce pollution,it's not going to improve because of expanding civilization, jungle cutting and increasing  factories, which are generating unhealthy chemicals and gases. Due to such conditions we are developing many infections and allergies. Respiratory system problems such as common cold, cough, rhinitis, sinusitis, breathing difficulty are very common these days. For all these problems there is only one solution Tablet Ephenin.  Main ingredient of Tablet Ephenin is Ephedra vulgaris i.e. Somavalli. Along with Somavalli it also contains Vasa (Adhathoda vasica), Kantakari (Solanum xanthocarpum), Karkatshringi (Pistacia integerrima) and Shwashkuthara Rasa. In Ayurveda herb Somavalli (Ephedra vulgaris) is indicated in asthma and chronic respiratory disorders, excessive

Ayurvedic Medicine For All Types Of Joint Pain : Sandu Rasnasaptak kadha

In this pandemic situation most of the people are working from home. At home proper office sitting set up is not available and working hours are increased. This has resulted in increased complaints of lower back pain, neck pain, neck stiffness etc. We can't avoid work but we can improve our health and tackle with these joint pain problems using totally safe ayurvedic Medicine. Sandu Rasnasaptak Kadha is best remedy for such joint pain. It is combination of Rasna and other six ayurvedic herbs. Major ingredient in Sandu rasnasaptak kadha  is Rasna it has anti inflammatory, analgesic and muscle relaxant properties. It is effective in both rheumatoid arthritis as well as osteoarthritis. Deodaru in Sandu Rasnasaptak Kadha is vatashamak. It reduces swelling and tenderness. Gokshur is effective in treating edema, inflammation and it also protects joints from inflammatory damage. It lowers increased uric acid level causing joint pain. Punarnava has diuretic property so it reduces swelling.

A Perfect Cure For Various Types Of Cough : Vasa Cough Syrup

Primarily there are two types of cough dry and wet cough. In dry cough throat irritation is there and required treatment is soothing of mucosa with cough center suppressant. In wet cough there is obstruction in air passage due to mucus. So treatment needed is to remove mucus as well as to reduce production of mucus in air passage.  Many cough syrups are available in market but it is best to use ayurvedic cough syrup as it gives great results in all type of cough without no adverse effects. Adulsa is well known herb for cough. It is also known as VASA in sankrut. But is it enough to give only Adulsa in cough? Sandu pharmaceuticals  has formulated unique combination of adulsa with other eight Ayurvedic herbs which are specifically beneficial in lung health, VASA cough syrup. VASA cough syrup contains adulsa, pippali, tulsi, Yashtimadhu, sonth, dalchini, behada etc. Vasa i.e. Adhatoda vasica is expectorant, bronchodilator. Pippali (Piper longum) is tonic for lungs. It reduces cough and

Sandu Samshamani Vati, Boost Your Immunity

Now a days in this pandemic situation most important thing to do is to increase our immunity .  When one has good immunity he or she can fight against any disease. Daily we listen, read news about COVID19 how fast it is spreading throughout the globe.  Since ancient time Ayurveda has always maintained to keep inner power strong to fight external forces. Ayurveda has best herbs, which help in boosting immunity .  Tinospora cordifolia is one of best medicine in ayurveda. It is called as GUDUCHI in Sanskrut, Giloy in Hindi, which means medicine which protects body from various diseases. It is also known as AMRUTA in sanskrut as it has properties similar to Amrut. Guduchi possesses immune stimulating properties. It is bitter in taste,  pacifies all three dosha,  reduces fever and acts as rasayan i.e. tonic. Using best quality of Guduchi [ Giloy] Sandu has prepared Sandu Samshamani Vati. Sandu Samshamani Vati has only one ingredient which is Guduchi. Sandu Samshamani Vati helps to strength

Stay Healthy In This Monsoon Through Ayurveda.

Monsoon means everywhere there is greenery and natural beauty. Colourful flowers, green shades of leaves, scent of wet earth and sometimes rainbow in the sky make us very happy. Ayurveda, a science of healthy living also have description of monsoon under the title of Rutuchary . In Ayurveda different types of daily regime are mentioned in each and every season. External environment has tremendous effects on our body. In Ayurveda, whole year is divided in 6 Rutus, Shishir, Vasant, Grishma, Varsha, Sharad and Hemant. All the movements inside the body are carried out through 3 Doshas namely,  Vata, Pitta  and Kapha. In monsoon i. e. in Varsha Rutu , due to seasonal change Vata dosha  is aggravated and Pitta dosha   gets accumulated in the body. In this season our digestive fire ( Jatharagni ) and body strength ( Sharir bal ) both are very low. Therefore, whatever we eat in monsoon, it is not properly digested. This undigested food matter also known as Ama dosha. As per Ayurveda, Ama  is r

Berbenterone, The Cure Of Diarrhoea And Dysentery

Rainy season is the most beautiful season, which starts in the first week of June in India. It comes after summer and gives happiness relief from heat and dryness in the climate. Nature dresses up with all colorful flowers, green leaves everywhere. But with all this happiness certain diseases also comes with rainy season. Rainy season is the most favourable season for certain viruses and bacteria. Also in rainy season many times water is also contaminated, which leads certain diseases like, loose motions, dysentery, vomiting, typhoid, etc.  In Ayurveda texts it is clearly mentioned that in Varsha rutu, Jatharagni (digestive fire) is very poor, which results into indigestion. Undigested food matter (amadosha) gets accumulated in body & generates in various diseases. Longstanding indigestion due to agnimandya (poor digestive fire) may cause diarrhoea, dysentery, pain in abdomen, flatulence, bloating, mucus in stool (in amebic dysentery) or blood in stool. If not treated in time, then