Makrprash, Best Ayurvedic Immunity Booster

Sandhikal is the junction between two consecutive seasons and is very important period of Ritucharya [ season wise do and don'ts]. Because it is the time of season transition. In sandhikal dietary habits of previous season has to be gradually replaced according to new in coming season.  When September month arrives, we all experience the climate changes & it's consequences on health more promptly. Because September month is the end of monsoon & this cold, rainy season is immediately followed by intense heat, popularly know as October heat. This drastic environmental change give rise to number of diseases in people with normal immunity, but more markedly in individuals with low immunity.

The body is weakest and more vulnerable to the disease at this time. Recurrent episodes of cold, cough, fever, rhinitis, headache, indigestion, diarrhoea etc are few of them. Lucky people are born with strong-robust immunity, while others are not. So people need to take immunity boosting medicines along with proper diet. Sandu Pharmaceuticals has a powerful trusted immunity booster formulation, Makarprash to face seasonal changes, thus to avoid illness. 

Makarprash contains powerful herbs like Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Vidarikanda, Makardhwaj, Mahalaksmivilas ras & pure cow ghee. Mahalakshmivilas ras, Vasa & Guduchi help to restrict the growth of infection in the body. Ingredients like Amalaki, Makardhwaj help energizing and in restoring new healthy cells in the body. Regular intake of Makarprash helps to rejuvanate & strengthen the systems by improving immunity. Mahalakshmivilas ras & Abhrak bhasma confers strength to lungs & heart, thus improving the functioning of respiratory & circulatory systems. Makarprash provides nourishment to all seven dhatus & improves well being & general health. Therefore Makarprash should be consumed by each member of family in all seasons to improve immunity & prevent from falling ill again & again.


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