Sandu Drakshasav, Best Ayurvedic Appetizer

In rainy season we hear common complaint of cough with or without sputum. Associated symptoms like constipation, loss of appetite, generalized weakness are experienced by patients. For all these complaints only one medicine is enough, Sandu Drakshasav.

Main ingredient of Sandu Drakshasav is black raisins (kala angur/draksha). Though we know all the benefits of black raisins we will see again its benefits. Black raisins relieve constipation. It purifies blood. It is rich source of antioxidants very beneficial for skin and delays anti-aging process.

Sandu Drakshasav is prepared from high quality raisins. It is beneficial for lungs health. It reduces cough. It is beneficial in dry as well as wet cough. It reduces secretion of mucus in lungs causing obstruction in breathing.  Many old age people suffer from continuous cough. In this case Sandu Drakshasav gives great results. It not only reduces cough but also helps in increasing weight. Sandu Drakshasav clears bowels and boosts appetite. It also provides nutrition. Eventually it increases weight. Sandu Drakshav relieves mild acidity by clearing bowels. Sandu Drakshasav is full of antioxidants so acts as rasayan on body. Sandu Drakshasav is best to be consumed in rainy season as in this season cough, loss of appetite, constipation are common complaints. Sandu Drakshasav is best remedy for all these complaints. 

Dose of Sandu Drakshasav is 20 ml twice a day for adults. It is suitable in all ages.


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