Makarprash, The Immunity Powerhouse

Our immunity and good nutritive diet has direct connection. Not only in modern science has now endorsed it, but Ayurveda, the ancient medicinal science also explains the importance of food. According to Ayurveda food is responsible for confering good health but is responsible for generation of diseases, when not consumed in proper way. Low immunity due to any reason leads to various infectious diseases. For that along with good food Ayurveda recommends Rasayan chiktsa ( Ayurved Tonics) for good immunity. 


Sandu Makarprash is one of the most popularly recomended tonic by many vaidyas as a tonic. Makarprash is prepared from immunity booster herbs like Amalaki, Guduchi, Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Kamal, Vidarikanda, etc. It also contains Makardhwaj [ processed with gold], Lakshmivilas Ras [with Gold] & pure cow ghee. All theses herbs are useful for maintenance of well being & in fact rejuvenating the person. Recurrent cold, cough, fever, throat infections and other similar symptoms, are commonly seen in any viral infection. Regular use of Makarprash surely helps to prevent from theses problems by improving immunity in a person. Lakshmivilas Ras in Makarprash helps to reduce symptoms of cold, cough, rhinitis & other respiratory symptoms. Makarprash gives strength to the lungs as well as beneficial for robust functioning, thus improving respiratory systems. Suvarnabhavit Makardhwaj in Makarprash improves immunity & prevents from recurrent diseases along with nourishing the body. Makarprash contains Mauktika bhasma, which is a natural source of calcium, hence it gives strength to bones & teeth. Makarprash is proven beneficial to maintain skin soft & smooth as it contains pure cow ghee, so moisture of the skin remains maintained.

Makarprash improves our immunity, prevents from recurrent diseases attacks, nourishes all seven dhatus & thus improves general health of person. Makarprash taste is accpeted even by children & so everyone should consume it for improving immunity with Ayurveda.


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