Sandu Amritarishta, Improve Your Immunity With Ayurveda

We all knows an importance of good nutrition for good health and for good health one must have good immunity. If you want to boost your immune system in a natural way, then Ayurveda is the right path for you. During the time of illness, people often seek special foods or vitamin supplements that are believed to boost immunity. Ayurveda also recommends immunity boosting medicines in ayurvedic classics. 

Sandu Amrutarishta is a trusted classical ayurvedic medicine to boost immunity during any kind of infection. When a person falls sick, he or she may not be able to take their food properly resulting in low immunity. Sandu Amritarishta possesses immunomodulatory, antipyretic and anti oxidant properties, thus it improves immunity and is beneficial in relapsing fever like illness.

Sand Amrutarishta is an Ayurvedic medicine in liquid form that contains Guduchi, also known as Amrita as a main ingredient along with Dashmool, Katuka, Shunthi, Ativisha, Pippali, Musta, etc. Sandu Amritarishta is best herbal formulation, which works very effectively in chronic fever, relapsing fevers caused due to malaria, typhoid or any bacterial & viral infections in people with low immunity. It not only helps to lower the temperature but also reduces tendency of relapsing fever. It helps to boost the immunity levels and nourishes the damaged cells for the regeneration & thus rejuvenates body. And thus very useful in the treatment of post fever weakness.

Sandu Amritarishta is useful as liver tonic during fever treatment and specially with liver toxicity medicines. It acts as a natural liver stimulant and improves bile secretion in the body. It improves the secretion of digestive juices and bile which improves the digestion. Sandu Amritarishta is also beneficial for patients suffering from gout or elevated uric acid levels, rheumatic arthritis, poor appetite & jaundice. Sandu Amritarishta dose is 20 ml [4 teaspoons] two times a day.


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