
How To Boost Immunity In Infants & Toddlers With Ayurveda

Healthy nation is created only by healthy children. The early years of a child's life are essential for physical & mental development of child. Therefore, it is important for parents to take every necessary step to ensure the child's growth.  Breastfeeding is one of the best bond between mother & her baby. Mother's milk is the complete food for each infant. They get all required nutrients & good immunity from mother's milk. But still a tradition is going on from many years to give balguti or balkadu  to prevent minor illnesses that affect babies. The herbs of this balguti   have to be dried completely after it's use. But in today's era it is quite difficult for mothers to follow this tradition as it is time consuming & requires much efforts. Therefore to achieve all health benefits & to prevent babies from minor illnesses Sandu Pharmaceuticals has come up with best product Shishuvin. Shishuvin consists of herbs like Ashwagandha, Nimba, Rakt

Makrprash, Best Ayurvedic Immunity Booster

Sandhikal is the junction between two consecutive seasons and is very important period of Ritucharya [ season wise do and don'ts]. Because it is the time of season transition. In sandhikal dietary habits of previous season has to be gradually replaced according to new in coming season.   When September month arrives, we all experience the climate changes & it's consequences on health more promptly. Because September month is the end of monsoon & this cold, rainy season is immediately followed by intense heat, popularly know as October heat. This drastic environmental change give rise to number of diseases in people with normal immunity, but more markedly in individuals with low immunity. The body is weakest and more vulnerable to the disease at this time. Recurrent episodes of cold, cough, fever, rhinitis, headache, indigestion, diarrhoea etc are few of them. Lucky people are born with strong-robust immunity, while others are not. So people need to take immunity boostin

Digiforte : Best Ayurvedic Tonic To Improve Digestion

  A person is said to be healthy, when there is balance in his doshas (Vata, pitta and kapha), agni, dhatus, malas and harmony in mental factors like indriyas, manas, atma. This clearly signifies the role of agni in maintenance of good vibrant normal health. Agni is key for digestion and it is responsible for good health of an individual. But eating very spicy foods, oily food, eating previous leftover food, over eating, eating too fast or slow, emotional disturbance, fear, stress lead to indigestion i.e. agnimandya, or impairment of digestive powers.  Ayurveda clearly states that agnimandya is the first responsible factor for each and every disease. Indigestion is associated with loss of appetite, heaviness of stomach, lethargy, abdominal bloating, bad odour of mouth etc. Mostly older people suffer from indigestion. Apart from this, indigestion is one of the common symptom seen in many diseases like piles, fissure & in liver problems. Maintaining good digestion is very important t

Basic Ayurvedic medicine for chronic diarrhoea & IBS, Sandu Kutajarishta

Sandu Kutajarishta is a trusted classical ayurvedic medicine for acute and chronic diarrhoea , dysentery and irritable bowel syndrome. As we know, diarrhoea and dysentery are very common problems especially in rainy season. According to ayurveda, in rainy season our digestive fire ( Agni ) is very low. So we can not digest heavy food in rainy season, which results into indigestion and then diarrhoea or dysentery. Overeating, excessive oily & spicy food, junk food, stale or fermented food, impure water, contaminated food are causes for indigestion, abdominal pain, diarrhoea and dysentery, mucus or blood in stool, etc. For all these problems Sandu Kutajarishta is the best choice. Kutaj is the main ingredient of Sandu Kutajarishta, which is described as the best herb for loose motions in ayurvedic texts. Other ingredients of Sandu Kutajarishta are Draksha, Madhukpushpa, Gambhari, etc. Sandu Kutajarishta is beneficial in controlling diarrhoea and dysentery of any origin including amoe

Sandu Arjunarishta : Ayurveda For Healthy Heart

Currently the whole world is fighting against covid pandemic, but we can ’ t ignore other important and very common health problem in India, that is cardiovascular diseases. As in India death rate due to cardiovascular diseases is still very high as compared to globally, cardiovascular diseases is one of the major lifestyle disorders. Over eating of junk food, heavy & fatty food, excessive intake of alcohol & smoking, mental stress, insufficient or disturbed sleep, suppression of natural urges, sedentary habits are causes of cardiac diseases. According to Ayurveda heart problems arise from vitiated pitta and rasa-rakta dhatu. High blood pressure, myocardial infarct, chest pain, arrhythmia, heart failure, etc are commonly seen problems nowadays. Sandu Arjunarishta is classical ayurvedic medicine, specially designed for goodness of heart. It contains Arjuna, as a main ingredient along with Draksha. Arjuna balances kapha and pitta dosha.Arjuna is best cardiotonic and antioxidant

Sandu Kumari Asav No 3 : Best Immunity Booster For Children

 Children are the future of our nation and for better future, the children should grow up healthy and happy. It is observed that the kids who don't get sick again and again, become very healthy in their adulthood. For this children should have very strong immunity. Kids develop immunity as they grow, so kids are most affected by any kind of infection because of their low immunity. Fever, cold, cough, poor appetite, anorexia, indigestion are few commonly seen symptoms in children. Some kids don't get proper nutritious food and so fall sick due poor immunity. But in some children, though they get nutritious food, they fall sick due to poor digestion and improper absorption of nutrients. So for this, along with good nutrition children need to take a tonic that improves their immunity & digestive power. Sandu Kumari Asav no 3 is specially designed tonic for kids to improve general health. Sandu Kumari Asav no 3 contains Shunthi, Nagkeshar, Pippali, Draksha, Haridra, Kutaki, Mar

Sandu Drakshasav, Best Ayurvedic Appetizer

In rainy season we hear common complaint of cough with or without sputum. Associated symptoms like constipation, loss of appetite, generalized weakness are experienced by patients. For all these complaints only one medicine is enough, Sandu Drakshasav. Main ingredient of Sandu Drakshasav is black raisins (kala angur/draksha). Though we know all the benefits of black raisins we will see again its benefits. Black raisins relieve constipation. It purifies blood. It is rich source of antioxidants very beneficial for skin and delays anti-aging process. Sandu Drakshasav is prepared from high quality raisins. It is beneficial for lungs health. It reduces cough. It is beneficial in dry as well as wet cough. It reduces secretion of mucus in lungs causing obstruction in breathing.  Many old age people suffer from continuous cough. In this case Sandu Drakshasav gives great results. It not only reduces cough but also helps in increasing weight. Sandu Drakshasav clears bowels and boosts appetite. I