
Showing posts from September, 2020

Keshita, Best Ayurvedic Hair Oil For Your Weekly Hair Care Routine

Every woman dreams for long, black & beautiful hair. Because healthy hair is the most noticeable part of a beauty. Not only women but men also wish for healthy black hair for their attractive appearance. But in today's cosmetic world, many people are facing hair related problems. Unhealthy diet, stress, sleeping at late night, excessive use of hair styling equipments, use of chemical based shampoos and cosmetics and pollution are important reasons for causing hair problems. Hair fall, premature graying of hair, split hair, dull hair, dandruff, early baldness in males etc are very commonly seen problems in each age group nowadays. For beautiful and healthy hair one should take proper hair care with regular oil massage. Keshita (Sandu Mahabhringraj oil) is best ayurvedic hair oil for healthy and long hair.  Sandu Keshita contains Bhringraj as a main ingredient along with Jatamanasi, mehendi, Amalaki and other herbs beneficial for hair. The base of Sandu Keshita is coconut oil, kn

Sandu Arjunarishta, Ayurvedic Medicine For Healthy Heart

Sandu Arjunarishta  is the best trusted Ayurvedic medicine for heart diseases. Arjuna is the best cardiotonic and cardiotonic herb. Arjuna is ruksha, laghu, katu, sheet and Hrudya in action. It balances kapha and pitta dosha. With Arjuna it contains Draksha, which is madhur and balya & gives strength to heart and lungs. Draksha acts adaptogenic, antioxidant and nootropic. Sandu Arjunarishta helps to reduce the risk of heart diseases, thus it is a best heart care ayurvedic medicine. Sandu Arjunaristha is an  ayurvedic medicine for strengthening heart muscles functioning . Hypertension, palpitation, cardiac failure, poor heart pumping, weakness of heart muscles, etc are common heart diseases in today's society. Many causative factors like, too much stress in day to day life, eating oily and junk food, excessive intake of alcohol and smoking, sedentary lifestyle, etc contribute for causation of heart diseases. Healthy heart is very important for proper blood circulation in the bod

How Sandu Ashokarishta Will Help You To Regulate Your Periods

In today's highly industrialized world human life has become very fast. To keep pace with this fast lifestyle people are ignoring their health, especially women. Women are working equally with men in most places. Along with this women always have additional household and family works. This extra burden and stress suffered by women, leads to many health problems like irregular or delayed menstrual cycle, heavy bleeding during monthly periods, weakness, irritability, etc. Stress also disturbs hormones in women causing many symptoms. To combat all these problems Sandu Pharmaceuticals has a classical Ayurvedic formulation  Sandu Ashokarishta. Sandu Ashokarishta is a best tonic for hormonal changes in women . Ashok, the main ingredient is also known as 'Stree Mitra' as Ashoka is widely used to treat gynecological and menstrual problems in women. Ashok acts on uterine muscles and gives relief from many uterine problems. Sandu Ashokarishta is fortified with Ashoka, by Triphala, Mu

Build Endurance & Stamina With Vimfix

Sex and sexuality are important part of life and for mankind. Besides reproduction, it is very beneficial for healthy living and social harmony and safety. But in today's era of fast & very stressful life, hectic routines & faulty food habits and other factors have started affecting individuals health, especially in men. Continuous stress & lack of relaxation results in various types of health hazards like reduced vigor, lack of stamina, lack of enthusiasm, loss of libido, lack of energy, erectile dysfunction etc. These problems can distress so much that, person finds strained relationship with his partner & ultimately affects the quality of life. Vimfix of Sandu Pharmaceuticals is a trusted formulation based on Ayurvedic principles for all these problems. Sandu Vimfix tablet is  ayurvedic medicine for vigour and vitality. It contains Ashwagandha as one of the main ingredients, which is very useful powerful versatile herb. It is known to increase energy & to im

Makarprash, The Immunity Powerhouse

Our immunity and good nutritive diet has direct connection. Not only in modern science has now endorsed it, but Ayurveda, the ancient medicinal science also explains the importance of food. According to Ayurveda food is responsible for confering good health but is responsible for generation of diseases, when not consumed in proper way. Low immunity due to any reason leads to various infectious diseases. For that along with good food Ayurveda recommends Rasayan chiktsa ( Ayurved Tonics) for good immunity.    Sandu Makarprash is one of the most popularly recomended tonic by many vaidyas as a tonic. Makarprash is prepared from  immunity booster herbs  like Amalaki, Guduchi, Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Kamal, Vidarikanda, etc. It also contains Makardhwaj [ processed with gold], Lakshmivilas Ras [with Gold] & pure cow ghee. All theses herbs are useful for maintenance of well being & in fact rejuvenating the person. Recurrent cold, cough, fever, throat infections and other similar sympto

Preg utero, Best Ayurvedic Tonic For Pregnancy

It is well known that nutritional environment of a mother's womb affects her baby's health not only at birth and during early infancy, but for the rest of his or her life. The nutrition the baby receives during pregnancy affects his cognitive, emotional and physical status later in life. But the announcement of pregnancy for a lady means people around her starts giving suggestions & pregnant lady becomes confused about what to eat & what not. Pregnancy affects physical as well as mental health of lady too. Therefore it is very important to take care of pregnant lady right from the beginning, not only for mother but also for bright future of the growing baby inside her womb. Along with healthy diet, it is very important to prevent pregnant lady from any diseases. Preg Utero is the unique formulation of Sandu Pharmaceuticals prepared from traditional herbs recommended by Ayurveda for better nourishment of pregnant lady & her baby and also prevent from problems of preg

Sandu Dadimavaleha , Indigestion Related To Diarhhoea & Dysentery

Ahara (diet), Nidra (sleep) and Brahmacarya (abstinence) are recognized as the three  pillars, essential for the smooth running of life. Ayurveda has given minute detailed explanation of types of food (Ahar), right way and quantity of consuming food, also properties of each and every cereals, vegetables and fruits. Fruits are a must to meet the required amount of vitamins and minerals in the body. Some fruits and vegetables are fulfilled with so many medicinal properties, so these vegetables and fruits should be consumed by everyone. Pomegranate is one of them. It is described as Dadima in Ayurvedic text. Sandu Pharmaceuticals Dadimavaleha, a very popular and tasty health tonic.  Dadima is the main ingredient of Sandu Dadimavaleha. It balances all the three doshas  Vata,   Pitta  and  Kapha .  Sandu Dadimavaleha is best ayurvedic medicine for nausea and vomiting .   It relieves excessive thirst and burning sensation. Sandu Dadimavaleha contains Jaiphal, Dadim (pomegranate) & Jaipha

Sandu Amritarishta, Improve Your Immunity With Ayurveda

We all knows an importance of good nutrition for good health and for good health one must have good   immunity . If you want   to boost your immune system   in a natural way, then Ayurveda is the right path for you. During the time of illness, people often seek special foods or vitamin supplements that are believed to boost immunity. Ayurveda also recommends   immunity boosting medicines in ayurvedic   classics.  Sandu Amrutarishta is a   trusted classical ayurvedic medicine   to boost immunity   during any kind of infection. When a person falls sick, he or she may not be able to take their food properly resulting in low immunity. Sandu Amritarishta possesses immunomodulatory, antipyretic and anti oxidant properties, thus   it improves immunity and is beneficial in relapsing fever like illness. Sand Amrutarishta is an Ayurvedic medicine in liquid form that contains Guduchi, also known as Amrita as a main ingredient along with Dashmool, Katuka, Shunthi, Ativisha, Pippali, Musta, etc. Sa