
Guduchi, The Amrut With Powerful Immunomodulatory Benefits

Guduchi, in sanskrit it means the ‘one protects the entire body. It is widely used herb in the Ayurveda system of medicine for thousands of years. It is also popularly known as Amruta, Jwarari and Jwaranashini. These synonyms indicate it’s most important benefit in the treatment of jwar i.e. Fever. Guduchi acts as Tridosha shamak, it means it balances all the three doshas in the body. It is also mentioned in ancient texts, that Guduchi is the best Rasayan [ tonic], Jwarnashak i.e. one which cures various fevers, Aam pachak, Agnidipaka. Guduchi has anti pyretic property so it helps to lower down increased body temperature in fever. According to Ayurveda jwar (fever) is the result of Àma i.e. undigested food. Guduchi digests this Ama and hence is most useful in the treatment of fever. It is beneficial for all types of viral fever, which are mostly associated with cold, indigestion, anorexia & bodyache.Guduchi also acts as immuno-mdulator, so it not only prevents the recurrent episode

Ayurveda For Women’s Health

In the year 1987, May 28th was declared as International Day of Action for Women’s Health.Women perform multiple roles in life. They too often are focused on the health care of their spouse or children, while neglecting their own needs. It is imperative that women take the time to maintain good health for themselves as well. Ayurveda and Sandu Pharmaceutical understand this need of women. Sandu Pharmaceutical’s “Ashoka Compound” is a perfect non-hormonal formula that provides hormonal balance and helps to improve reproductive health of a woman. Ashoka (Saraca indica), also known as Stree mitra i.e “ Women’s Friend” in Ayurvedic texts forms the main ingredient of Ashoka Compound while other ingredients like Lodhra, Gokshur, Darvi, Manjishtha are also beneficial for various aspects of uterine functions and promote overall health and well-being in a women. These ingredients are also analgesic and have anti-inflammatory properties. Proper gynec health confers glowing skin. Ash

Acivin, For Acidity

Amlapitta or Hyperacidity, is a common problem suffered by many people worldwide. ‘Hurry’, ‘Worry’ & ‘Curry’ are some of the main reasons for hyperacidity. Faulty dietary habits such as eating spicy or junk food, stale food, fermented food, over eating, late night snacking, alcohol consumption, smoking, large intakes of drinks containing caffeine are some of the most common reasons that cause inflammation of the stomach inner lining which is the underlying reason for hyperacidity. Mental stress and insufficient sleep are also responsible for this condition. A person suffering from hyperacidity could often show one or more of the following symptoms namely burning sensation in the chest often accompanied by mild chest pain, indigestion, constipation, sour belching, headache, pain in abdomen, thirst and nausea. If not tended to in time, these symptoms may aggrivate and be the cause of gastric or intestinal ulcers. “Acivin” (Sandu Audumbaravaleha) is the perfect formula t

Stay away from common cold, flu and seasonal ailments with Sandu Mahasudarshan kadha

To fight against epidemics, pendemics like COVID19, swine flu, malaria basic thing we need to do is increase our own immunity. Though a healthy balanced diet with vegetables, sprouts, fruits etc.,it is not enough to build our immunity. An immunity booster is equally essential. Medicines which includes herbs like Kiratatikta (Swertia chirayita) is great immunity booster. The literal meaning of Kiratatikta is, “utterly bitter”. Kiratatikta not only boosts immunity but also helps our system withstand the extreme heat of summer season. Sandu Pharmaceutical has classial, unique and very effective formulation “Sandu Mahasudarshan Kadha”. It has all benefits of Kiratatikta (Swertia chirayita ) and also contains other ingredients like Haridra ( Turmeric), Daruharidra, Yashtimadhu, Bala, Kantakari, Vidari, , Kachora, Sunth etc. With a perfect blend of herbs, Sandu Mahasudarshan Kadha helps boost immunity and prepare the body to fight against viral infections. It also helps person’s

Makarprash, Fortify immunity

Ritu Sandhi is the junction period of two Ritus or seasons. Ultimate seven days of the previous season and the beginning seven days of the next season together constitute the Ritu Sandhi. Naturally when there is a change in seasons, there is always a chance of many viral, fungal or bacterial infections. Sandu Makarprash, a unique ayurvedic formulation helps fight against these pathogens and provides protection to the body. Makarprash contains Amala, Dashamoola, Shatavari, Suvarnayukta Laksmivilas ras, Rajat,Praval, Abhrak, Suvrnabhavit Makardhwaj along with 47 other herbs and pure cow ghee. All these ingredients together boost immunity and helps prevent most infections. Laksmivilas ras with gold and Abhrak bhasma give strength to lungs and heart and maintains the healthy functioning of respiratory system. Hence Makarprash is extremely useful in preventing as well as treatment of recurrent episodes of cough, cold. Makarprash acts as rejuvenator and helps to fulfill the n

Sandu Dadimavaleha : The Ayurveda Way To Stay Healthy This Summer

Currently we all are experiencing a rise in temperature which is attributed to the beginning of the summer season. According to Ayurveda, ‘Ghrishma Ritu’ or SummerSeason, is the last season of the Adan Kala (period of Uttarayana). The increased Agni (Digestive fire), Kshudha (Appetite) & Bala (Energy) experienced during Hemant & Shishir Ritu (Pre-winter and winter) are going  to become weak with the commencement of Ghrishma Ritu. As the Ritu changes, our body also transitions to adjust with the surrounding environment.  In Grishma Ritu there is an excess of Tridoshas Vata along with a reduction in Kapha. There is a tremendous rise in body heat as Pitta dosha is also rising. This season leads to dehydration, exhaustion, lethargy, dryness in our body and low energy levels. When the weather is hot, our body demands more liquids to maintain homeostasis and keep our body hydrated. But drinking more liquids affects our digestive fire making us experience a los

Whoopin : Unique Cough Formula For All Types Of Cough

There are many types of coughs. Cough is a symptom in many diseases and is diagnosed by its characteristics, duration and severity and is found in common cold, pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, etc. These conditions can get worse without proper treatment.  Sandu pharmaceuticals has a unique formula 'Whoopin cough syrup', which is very effective in all types of cough.   Whoopin cough syrup is a multi-factorial and unique formula for various types of cough. It contains Draksha, Anjeer, Yashtimadhu, Vasa and other three herbs.  1. Draksha has anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and astringent properties. It is very beneficial in respiratory problems.    2. Anjeer has laxative and expectorant properties. Draksha & Anjeer both give strength to Respiratory and Digestive systems and thus boost immunity. Plus both help to reduce the symptoms of asthma.    3. Vasa contains an alkaloid vasicine which acts as bronchodilator and expectorant.  4. Kar